Sixty years ago today, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963) was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, who was shot to death shortly thereafter by Jack Leon Ruby (born Jacob Leon Rubenstein) (March 25, 1911 – January 3, 1967). Ruby was arrested, tried, and convicted of murder, then appealed his conviction successfully, and granted a new trial, but died of cancer before he could be retried. For his part, Oswald denied shooting anyone.
Keep reading for my own twisted opinions on Our Government, JFK, Ruby, and a host of other things.
JFK got shot twice; once in the back with the bullet exiting his throat, and once in the head. Either shot would have been fatal. So, did Oswald shoot him, or is it all a cover up by D.C. alphabet soup spook agencies?
Consider the Federal Government and ask yourself if we the people actually know the existence of all the so-called Intelligence agencies in D.C. We don't, which almost any retard could tell you. Another question concerns the likelihood of the existence of some nameless agency in the government that handles assassinations and other unpopular jobs. Me, I'd say it's not so much likely as it is a certainty.
Imagine discovering someone like, say, Jeffrey Edward Epstein (January 20, 1953 – August 10, 2019), who was about to spill the beans about the parties on his private island, including the guest list. We can't have this, so - Epstein is found hanging in his jail cell. Suicide, obviously. Then there's Carolyn Andriano, dead of a drug overdose. She was providing crucial testimony in the trial of Epstein's partner in crime, Ghislaine Maxwell. Accidental overdose, is the official story.
As an aside, there's also the mysterious discovery of a baggie of Bolivian Marching Powder someplace in the White House, and our government can't determine just who the yeyo belongs to.
Give it a rest!
Oswald used a crappy Russian bolt action rifle. I can't run a bolt action rifle as fast as Oswald did, and I don't mean run the bolt and hit anything - I mean just get off three shots as fast as he did. Not only that, I don't personally know anyone who can. Then there's the question of hitting the target (JFK) which is moving, and getting two head shots. So no, I don't believe Oswald did it.
Then there's motivation. Why get rid of JFK? I'm only speculating here but... we were in the middle of the cold war. Hell, JFK once ditched his Secret Service escorts to go get his weasel greased, and they couldn't find him anywhere for forty-five minutes. So JFK had his own ideas and wasn't prone to consult with anyone. He'd already backed Khrushchev down once over the Cuban crises, so he may have been feeling his oats, so to speak. China, so far as anyone knew, didn't have a nuclear warhead or a reliable whiz-bang delivery system. My thinking is that JFK may have been planning a preemptive nuclear strike against the USSR. Something like that could be done; it's what our defense system was based on. We couldn't shoot down a missile, but we could retaliate before we got obliterated. What if the U.S. hit first and hit 'em hard? JFK may have thought we could win. A plan like that, which is bat shit crazy, would certainly have triggered an assassination response.
But that's theory, not fact.
My point being that we have a government comprised of people who are certainly capable of assassination - check with a few banana republics - and willing to do so.
I suppose the next question is: What next?
My thought is a world government, with the top three in control. That would be the Limeys in Europe, the Rooskis, and the Chinks. For those of you too politically sensitive or correct to handle the derogatory slang, that would be the British with England as the capital, the Russian continent with Mother Russia and Moscow as the capital, and the Chinese Empire with Beijing as the capital.
And us, of course. The United States, leading the way with a brand new blue flag and peaceful-ish intent. Given time, the world will devolve into two factions; the Limeys and the Yanks will form up against the rest of the world, which will be the Chinese and the Russians. From there we'll be one small step away from game over.
Thanks for reading.
We need to take a step back and actually THINK. We should not be shocked and outraged by these conspiricies. They're as old as mankind itself. The difference between guys like us and those in power over us is that there are certain things we won't do, and they will - without a second thought about morality, justice, or even risk. The Ottawa and Washington environments select for psychotics to empower.
ReplyDeleteIt may be just another conspiracy theory, but I do not believe that America is run by a doddering old fool that shits in his pants and forgets where he is. Nor is Canada led by a lisping retarded fwench whoreson. The good news is, I am no longer held in restraint by my better nature either. I suspect a certain undue (((tribal))) influence on our leaders that I believe will destroy us (and possibly (((them)))) if it continues.
At this point it may be a blessing. None of us deserve leadership like this. The kids that got raped at Epstein's Pervert Island weren't THEIR kids... they were yours. So it goes with everything they do now...
There have been so many conspiracy theories around the death of JFK it boggles the mind
ReplyDeleteGlen: Truth. Bidet couldn't find his morning breakfast if someone didn't show him the way to the kitchen. As far as actually running anything, he's incapable of running his mouth, let alone an entire nation. For Canada's part, Too-dah-loo is a perverted devil worshiper.
ReplyDeleteJo-Anne: Sure does. I can't count 'em all without taking off my shoes.