This is my obligatory happy holidays post.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Hanukkah!
Joyous Kwanzaa!
Bodacious Boxing Day!
Skate Through Zagreb Advent!
Did I miss anyone? Oh well, if I did there's always next year.
Thanks for reading.
This is my obligatory happy holidays post.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Hanukkah!
Joyous Kwanzaa!
Bodacious Boxing Day!
Skate Through Zagreb Advent!
Did I miss anyone? Oh well, if I did there's always next year.
Thanks for reading.
I lived in Madison (AKA Mad City), Wisconsin for a couple years, and yesterday I heard there was a school shooting. Keep reading for my own opinion, which at this stage is just conjecture.
By now everyone who isn't a hermetically sealed recluse has gotten wind of the drones invading New Jersey. The panic and outcry is unbelievable.
Just for openers, no laws have been broken, or even badly bent. I've read some of the commentary by politicians and talking heads - Too close to the airport! - and by our next President, who I'm a bit disappointed in. He overreacted, probably because he was pissed off about something. From what little we the people know, the invading air force consists of drones and ultralight aircraft. The drones vary in size from hobbyist style up to and including military or commercial drones. The ultralights carry one person, the pilot, and given the season and the temperature, they're probably wearing survival suits of some kind.
The only thing I believe that it's safe to say is that the United States Federal Government has stated several times that they, collectively, know nothing about the aircraft in question, and therefore we-the-retards have nothing to worry about.
That means that the government knows all about the drones and that we the people have plenty to worry about.
This morning the New Jersey militia/local police said that they captured a drone, but it turned out to be a lawn ornament for a factory. No, I'm not kidding, and no, I haven't been drinking. Yet.
Just keep looking up, and if you see one flip it off.
I'm sorely tempted to seek council from the Canadian Crapcopter Consultant, Glen Filthie.
Daniel Penny, a man I'd certainly like to have living in my neighborhood, has been labeled as a hero by everyone with an IQ above room temperature and common sense. By now, everyone has heard of Penny, but I'll offer a summation along with my own vitriolic opinions.
Standard content warning. If you are a liberal, thin skinned, or object to graphic description and plain speech, go someplace else. If you keep reading, you'll get all spun up and have to chase you daily dose of Xanax with a shot of whiskey.
Back in the bad old days, we're talking 1835 or so, the political cockroaches in Michigan decided they wanted a small section of Ohio; where the city of Toledo is now. The fine, upstanding confidence men running Ohio objected to that on general principles, and so the Ohio–Michigan War got started. Once troops were positioned, Michigan got a chance to see what they were actually fighting about. They packed up and went home.
In 1937 a basketball team was formed in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The team was called the Fort Wayne Zollner Pistons. In typical Hoosier fashion, they couldn't leave well enough alone, so in 1957 the team moved to greasier fields, dropped their old customs and habits like yesterday's fish-wrap, and called themselves the Detroit Pistons.
Now then. Note that the entire State of Michigan started a war with Ohio over ownership of the town of Toledo, which for those of you blessed not to know, is a dead broke gravel pit. Toledo, Ohio is a place where mediocrity is a goal rather than a disparaging comment, while Michigan is the rotted out bottom of the rust bucket; true unadulterated ignorance backed up by interminable, beer swilling belligerence.
Suppose you have neighbors, which is a big mistake on their part, but they're the ones who bought the shack next door, ignoring the flags and banners out front. White Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, I Support The Second Amendment, Illegal Aliens Will Be Shot - Survivors Will Be Shot Again... that type of signage. That, and your Trump/Vance/Victory! sign.
You, a red blooded, whiskey swilling, natural born U.S. Citizen, have two little rituals you observe every day. At dawn, you have Trixie (a local exotic dancer) stop by and raise the American Flag while you blow Reveille on your trumpet. Trixie is dressed in a red, white, and blue bikini. At sunset, you have Candy (another exotic dancer) stop by and lower the flag while you play taps. Candy, being very patriotic, is also dressed in a red, white, and blue bikini.
Your neighbor objects. You ignore him. He calls the police, who arrive in time for taps. They stand at attention and salute the flag, admire Candy, and thank you for your service, support and patriotism. Then they advise you about your neighbor's complaints.
The local HOA gets involved, and you tell them (six elderly busybodies) to go fart up a flagpole. The HOA has a lawyer on retainer, so after six months you, the HOA, and the idiots next door wind up in court, Judge Paul Goldner presiding. After hearing more than anyone would care to about the case, the Honorable Judge Goldner commences to lecture. Blah-blah civic minded, blah-ba-blah peaceful neighborhood, blah blah noise ordinance, disturbing the peace, and menacing. Do you have anything you'd like to say?
"Judge, when they circumcised you, they threw away the wrong part."
Okay, then...
Ninety days and five grand later, you erect a new flagpole, celebrate your release, and resume your little 'good morning world!' flag ceremony.
I wrote this is the spirit of entertainment and to smoothly segue into today's malfunction. Keep reading all those of you with rhino hides and a penchant for common sense.
Here's my proposed ballot for November 5th, 2024, and my intended vote. What keeps me reaching for another drink isn't the election so much as thinking about what might happen after the election.
Sometimes I think I'm living in a banana republic. Other times I'm sure of it.
Which, if google translate is performing as advertised, means Happy Bithday! Yessir, today is my birthday. I was arrived in this world on the second day of October, a Thursday, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty and two. I was born in Toledo Hospital at around 5:30 AM, with Dr. Henry Brown assisting in the birth. He was our family doctor, and a good one. I'm seventy-two years old today, and thanks to clean living, regular exercise, and a healthy diet I've managed to make it this far in spite of my regular association with women of questionable moral character, supporting myself against the bar with my left elbow while I hold my cocktail in my right hand, and only eating my fair share of the pizza we ordered - we, that is, being myself and a few drinking companions.
Seventy two.
This post may be somewhat lengthy, so, given the general interest in a single day of the author's life coupled with the somewhat abbreviated assiduity of the readers here, feel free to go elsewhere. Believe me, no one will be offended.
About a week ago I stopped off at the corner gas station to buy a pair of lottery tickets. Hey, you never know, right? This station is in a prime location, and despite heavy traffic (which is desirable if you own the station) people stop in here to buy road food, junk food, oddities of all sorts including common OTC drugs, and lottery tickets. They don't pay the staff a whole lot, and it shows.
I was inspired by a post over at Filthie’s Log Of Ease, where our noble host wonders just how Monkey Pox, or Mpox, is spread. Here's a link to the article: Walking On The Wild Side.
From the article by Glen Filthie:
Near as I can tell Monkey Pox is pretty much Darwin and Murphy hating on queers. If you limit your exposure to them and their lifestyle you have very little to worry about. One is tempted to be complacent and contemptuous of the red alerts coming out of the medicos after the Covid scam… but we can’t afford to do that! [Emphasis mine - MJ]
He's right. Having done a little research on the subject, there are a few key points to consider.
I'm often against the death penalty. As screwed up and corrupt as our justice system is in the United States, I don't trust any of them to get it right the first time. There are exceptions, and here I wordlessly point to the Innocence Project, which wouldn't exist if the justice system was anything close to perfect. Then I read about a case like this one and start to ponder the good old lynch mob.
Some wind-up toy (Linda Jacobs Rice) on FuckBook posted this piece of drivel, and for some reason it just got on my very last nerve. Here's the post and my response, deliberately worded to avoid Ef-Bee's robo censures.
I read Nextdoor, a predominantly left wing social media site which features local news as reported by Nextdoor members. This is occasionally useful, as crimes are often reported on Nextdoor and never seen on commercial media. Shootings, robberies, hurled insults and fecal matter along with the fallout from same are reported and blame is assigned along with suggested penalties. I believe burning at the stake is mentioned on occasion, usually in response to a thread that is tilted to the political right.
This would be a whole lot less interesting than it already is if not for the blatant display of willful ignorance that surfaces from day to day. For instance, here we have the start of something.
This is nuts. I can't tell of MaryJo DeBlasis is serious or not, but she got some support for this creative bit of insanity. Now me, I think I know who the next mayor of Crazytown is going to be - and it ain't Bidet.
These people vote. My belief is that they vote the straight crazy ticket, and if there is one thing wrong with our system of government, it's that everyone is allowed to vote or to run for office.
Thanks for reading.
I got this from the Bayou Renaissance Man, who got it from Lawdog. I think it's worth reading, and so am devoting a post to it.
My own comments are fairly succinct. Our current president, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., is suffering from dementia. The symptoms have been visible for over a year, and now the Democrats want him to run for another term - and he's incapable. I actually feel sorry for the man. You might as well inform me, Mad Jack, that I'm on the U.S. Olympic Track and Field team, and that I'm expected to bring home a gold medal. Biden was fine as the Ayatollah Obongo's V.P. when all he had to do was breath and show a pulse. Now? Not just no, but hell no.
Our current vice president, Kamala Devi Harris, is arguably sane enough, but she's stupid. Put it another way, she isn't smart enough to hold the office of vice president, let alone president, and the moonbats know it. If Kamala got into the oval office, I'd end up as one of the names listed on the back page of the local scandal sheet as refusing to report to the political reeducation camp. At best, I'd end up living in a trailer parked in Glen Filthie's back yard.
It's three hours until happy hour, but what the hell. Like the man said, it's five o'clock somewhere.
I'm posting this because my knowledge of firearms and the Baldwin shooting is insufficient to answer it for myself.
I'm phobic. I'm afraid to go to the dentist. No reason, just phobic.
So today I'm going in to get my chops fixed. I busted a chop last week, and today I'm getting a new cap installed. And then, just because I guess, while I was getting my chops cleaned last week one of the caps came off. I'll give the hygienist credit; she didn't say what I'd have said which would be something along the lines of Oh holy hell on a biscuit... don't move, I'll get the dentist. Oh yeah.
I take drugs to calm me down. My old dentist suggested he give me a running start across the parking lot and he'd nail me with a tranquilizer rifle.
My appointment is this afternoon.
Cookout, backyard barbecue, picnic, whatever. Summer's here, and I'm inspired to do my annual civic duty in the form of a public reminder on graceful human behavior.
A Typical Backyard |
I got this one from someone named Jae Loso (Jabrya) (JTLoso) on the book of faces and fuckups, and she comes close to getting it right.
Not-my-president Biden may not be on the ballot in Ohio. Fox news carried the story, and you can read it here: Biden's Ballot Issues in Ohio Aren't Going Away
My feeling is that the moonbats will fall back to their usual playbook. They'll scream, throw feces, and file lawsuits. None of this will get around the real problem, which everyone has known about for years. You see, Ohio has a law that stipulates all parties certify their presidential candidates ninety or more days before the election. The moonbats won't certify Biden until they conclude their national convention in Wisconsin, which is scheduled to take place on August 19th - seventy-five days before the election.
Me, I'm waiting to see what's going to happen, but when the rubber hits the road I'll be voting the straight Republican ticket, and I'll vote against any and all tax levies. After that I may clean and load my rifle, strap on a sidearm, and wait for daybreak - because I'll tell you, if Biden isn't on the Ohio ballot, all bets are off and the guns will come out.
Have you ever seen anything completely idiotic on FaceBook? Have you ever looked in on FaceBook? The grown man who posted this needs a keeper.
They, being them as is in the know, claim that the average IQ in the USA is one hundred. Eighty and less are developmentally challenged (retards) and anything over one hundred and forty is genius level (rocket scientists). I'm probably around one-ten, meaning I'm just smart enough to know that the world is going to hose me over, but not smart enough to do anything about it. Put another way, don't ask me to solve a Rubik's Cube or help your offspring with his Calculus.
That said, I'm barely smart enough to understand that We the People are well and truly hosed, even if the GOP won everything next election - won every single office in Local, County, State, and Federal government, and even if the members of the GOP would all cooperate, we'd still be - wait for it...
The other day I discovered that Second City Cop is active again. If you want to know what's actually going on in Chicago, IL, go read Second City Cop. I'm happy to see him back.
If you'd like a summary of Chicago shootings, Hey Jackass! is the site for you. He cites his source, and he includes a Shot-in-the-Junk-O-Meter. Although I don't live in the Big Windy, and I don't visit or work there, it's interesting to check the stats every so often just to see what's going on.
Seriously, the people who run these sites and their contributors provide a valuable public service. I wish we had a site like this in Columbus, OH.
I don't get out as often as I used to. Part of it is that I spent a large part of my young life tearing it up every night except Saturday. Saturday is amateur hour. Weekend drunks are getting their load on and claiming they are okay to drive.
Last night I went out to Natalie's Grandview - Music Hall and Kitchen to hear the California Guitar Trio (CGT) play, and I'm here to tell you there was no better place to be in the State of Ohio.
Today being February 29th of 2024, which makes it the leap day of leap year, and it being somewhat brisk outside and me being bored and all, I decided to go through the list of sites I read (left side, down low) and see if they are still in business. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it's close enough for government work. Comments or descriptions are added when I can think of something to say that doesn't brand me as a drunken retard (inebriated intellectually challenged misogynistic male).
Owner/Operator: Peter Grant - Prolific writer and author, who is as opinionated as he is conservative.
The musings and serious writings of author Sarah Hoyt, with the occasional guest post.
A Blog detailing the insanity of Dr. Grumpy's medical practice and the stupidity of everyday life.
Filthy's Thunderbox - Now Defunct
The Thunderbox moved to:
Filthy's Thunderbox on Gab - Moved Again
Forced to move again, the Thunderbox has a new name and is located at:
Glen Filthy, same old Canuk, same old crew, nothing new. Which is good. Here you'll find the outspoken Glen Filthy publishing jokes, news, and diatribes guaranteed to offend someone and sometime or another.
Inactive: 2005 - 2021. The author may well be on the dark side of the lawn, but I hope not. She was a fairly amazing lady and published an interesting blog.
Commentary by an Ohio criminal defense lawyer
Gamso, for the defense... author and notable criminal defense attorney Jeff Gamso publishes his opinions on current cases. He's mostly inactive, but he's still around.
Up to the second list of pro-freedom blog and news writers. I'm not sure who maintains the list, but it's a real service to anyone who values freedom and accurate news.
If You are Left, You Ain't Right Read at your own risk.
Unfair. Unbalanced. Unmedicated.
Frank J. is the founder of IMAO. Early on in 2002 he wrote a brilliant treatise on nuking the moon, and the quality of his output has declined ever since
Where bad choices make good stories
Someone named Wirecutter writes and maintains this blog, and it's worth reading on a daily basis - if you like it. If you don't get Wirecutter's humor, just move along. Or not, as the case may be.
Veritas nos liberabit
Written by Old NFO AKA author Jim Curtis. While his age and political leanings preclude a Pulitzer award, he comes closer than most. He's a good man, and worth reading.
Capt. Schmoe, author and ex-firefighter. While the blog is inactive, I've seen him come back here and there, and I hope he starts blogging again.
by Scriptor Senex, AKA Clive John Edwards, October 23, 1949 - January 27, 2024. RIP. He was a good man, knew how to tell a story, and would have fit in most anywhere. He passed away quite suddenly from a stroke. I miss him.
The blog of Jeff Riddle, a Reformed Baptist Pastor in North Garden, Virginia. The man is a notable theologian, and I read him as time permits. Mind you, none of his missives can be read in five minutes.
The Small Hold - Will Not Go Down Without a Fight
Views of the 2023 Collapse From an OLD GenX'r on his last days of giving A F_ck!!!
The man knows what he's talking about, and is worth reading.
The Smallest Minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities. – Ayn Rand
That lovable old curmudgeon, Fred Reed, shoots from the hip - but he may be inebriated.
An intelligent, erudite man, his contributions are well thought out and worth reading. He describes himself as: Retired radio engineer, follower of Christ, RF designer, mentor. Radio ham, home shop machinist, lapidary, silversmith, roadie cyclist, learning to be a rifleman, and home defender, - a guy with too many interests to keep track of.
Well, that's it. For now. I'll revise this list over the next few days, then edit the list on the left.
One blogger that I used to read all the time, and truly enjoyed, was Beat and Release. If anyone knows what happened to him, I'd like to hear from you - or from B&R himself.
It was about fourteen years ago today that a recreational substance entrepreneur living just down the street from us successfully defended his home and hearth from four armed and dangerous miscreants at three in the morning - the usual time for such things.
I wrote about it here, and actually got two hate comments out of the deal. So, that was the beginning of Mad Jack's Shack - and fourteen years later, here we all are. Main Lady and her three little darlings are history, and have been for some time. She sold her home in Sylvania, packed up, and moved to Saint Louis, Missouri. Flopsy lives in the Big Windy and is still duplicitous and spiteful as ever - she's single, her one and only romantic relationship having terminated in a messy, emotional scene in her living room when the love fatal attraction of her not-so-young life wanted sex more than once a month with, of all things, the lights on. Can you imagine?
Peanut Gallery: I'd rather not.
Ahem. Mopsy lives in Saint Louis, Missouri, and somehow, and I really and truly cannot understand how, managed to develop a personality and a set of ethics that would make her a welcome dinner guest or drinking buddy at anyone's table. At least, anyone who reads this hound of a blog and doesn't need six milligrams of Xanax and snowflake therapy afterwards. I actually suspect Divine intervention here, there being no other explanation.
Cottontail, the youngest of the three, is a vegetarian, veterinarian, and animal rights non-activist (meaning that the rules she follows regarding animals apply to her, and not everyone else). She's a very accomplished veterinarian, I'll give her that. Anyway, she got married to QB-One, who turned out to be a bit light in the loafers -
Peanut Gallery: Light?!
Okay, then. He's gayer than a Hello Kitty! vibrator. They got divorced, and when I heard about the situation I offered the loan of a shotgun and a box of shells. I reminded Main Lady that buckshot leaves no ballistics, but to police your empties. She hesitated a bit too long, but didn't take me up on it. Note that I did not offer the scatter-gun to Flopsy, and no one I know would. The mental fallout after the shooting cannot be imagined, even by me, and I have a vivid imagination. I note that one man whom I've known for years, and who is gayer than Liberace on steroids, called QB-One a real son-of-a-bitch and said he ought to be tied to a pickup truck and dragged down five miles of bad Wyoming road.
Cottontail recovered and is off and running strong, which is good. QB-One is living under an assumed name in Cleveland. She got the house and the car; he got the first shaft he never enjoyed.
As for me, I'm in Columbus, Ohio. I live in a condominium just off machine gun alley. We had another shooting last week, but so what? The Columbus PD published their homicide statistics for this year, and out of eleven homicides only one was white - a road rage case. One was Latino, and the rest were blacks, and I'm talking real pavement apes here. I think two of these have been solved. The rest are being investigated. Well, whatever.
I have one aunt and uncle who moved from their two story home into a ranch style condo, then from there into an assisted living facility. They should have moved sooner, and didn't. Uncle isn't happy about anything, as a series of strokes has left him unable to do much of anything. Standing and walking are major issues. Aunt can't lift anything, and actually has trouble standing due to a bad back - and by bad, I mean seriously bad. Weather permitting, they go for walks next to a forest, listen to music and watch the idiot box. Somebody shoot me if I ever get like this.
Right now, I have a good life, for which I'm thankful. Thanks for reading.
Yesterday morning (Thursday, February 22, 2024) the unthinkable happened: Cell service quit working. No texting, no Internet, no email, no various social media sites, no nothing. The various providers just shut down.
I'm going to pontificate about this for a little while. Read and enjoy as you like.
I've been following the Russia vs. Ukraine war on and off. I lost a sawbuck when I bet that Russia would win a decisive victory in less than a year. So, easy come, easy go. Then I tripped over an empty bottle of gin and stumbled onto a piece by the irascible bleeding hearts at Human Rights Watch, and it got me to thinking - always a dangerous condition for me and anyone in the blast radius.
Why is Russia attacking Ukraine anyway?
Keep reading, including the bleeding heart snowflakes who would usually rather shove a handful of number two where the sun don't shine rather than read a paragraph of my insensitive ramblings.
People pass me links to speeches, sound bytes, books or articles being read aloud, and videos. Lots of videos, all of which are dryer than my martini during happy hour. Unless the video involves unpopular right-wing political opinions or firearms, I skip 'em.
Except this one.
This is Javier Gerardo Milei an economist who has served as President of Argentina since December 2023. Milei has taught university courses in macroeconomics, economic growth, microeconomics, and mathematics for economists. He is an author on economics and politics, and also hosted radio programs on the subject. Milei's views distinguish him in the Argentine political landscape and have garnered significant public attention and polarizing reactions.
Here's his speech, translated into English (and several other languages) using HeyGen, an AI translator. This is the best, most informative speech I've heard on government and economics in years, and I'm not exaggerating. Give it a listen.
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024
This is going to make professor Milei hugely unpopular with the moonbat set, but I really don't think the man loses much sleep over that.
As most folks who read this hound know, back in October 21st of 2021, actor Alec Baldwin was plying his trade on the set of a western film, Rust. The scene was shot, literally, when the six gun in Deadeye's chow hook went off and cinematographer Halyna Hutchins dropped dead from a forty-four (no Hutchins, no more). Director Joel Souza sprung a leak.
Story and commentary to follow. Trigger warning: Never mind. Just keep plowing on through.
I can't take credit for finding this one, and maybe that's just as well. This story was passed along to me by Big Mike, and I cannot, for the life of me, imagine just how he stumbled across it. He doesn't smoke pot or imbibe in any other hallucinogens.
Imagine you're going to college. You're going to get an education that will be the ticket to a specialty - PhD, MD, ADD, whatever, that comes with benefits and a big ticket salary. Which you'll need in order to pay off the loans you wish you'd never taken out to pay for college in the first place, and then there's your college educated wife's student loans, and the lease on the SUV, and her car, the Tesla, needs new batteries, and she's pregnant - again. And to make matters worse...
You learn that your beer-swilling buddy from High School, the one who told the school councilor, "No, Mister Champion, you're the lucky one. You can kiss my ass and I can't." Yeah, that guy. He became an apprentice plumber, then a plumber, then opened his own shop, and now he has three guys working for him and it looks like his house is paid off.
All those years you were going to college, drinking beer, screwing co-eds (which is how you got married), sweating exams, and racking up thousands in tuition bills and student loans, your old buddy was happily going to work and watching his bank account grow, and his wife doesn't have a lot of crazy ideas about diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE).
I don't know how I got here. Okay, below the fold you'll find two courses that are, for real, offered at a real university. No, it's not from The Onion.
Or not, as the case may be. Cutting to the chase, I posted a brief, opinionated essay entitled Packing Heat, and got a lecture on societal norms and morals from Glen Filthie. Naturally I suggested that Glen go boil his head, but upon reflection I think my northern neighbor may have an insight worth listening to.
Consider these two bits of news from commercial media. Be aware that my opinion is not modified to accommodate SJWs, special little snowflakes, anti-freedom liberals of any stripe, or weak-kneed, bull-dyke fearing, door knob sucking douche nozzles.