Today, the 24th day of February in the Year of Our Lord two thousand and ten, the bored and somewhat deranged author of this blog sat down at his keyboard and pounded out the very first post. Here's a link to the post if you'd care to read it (Click Bait!), but the long and short of it is that our upscale Sylvania, Ohio neighborhood of Lincoln Woods was invaded by a drug dealer, one Clay Hausenfleck. Clay built a grow room in his basement, complete with a locked door to keep the family (one adult female with two children) out of the grow room and completely in the dark about what might be growing down there and why. He also had an illicit connection to the local power company, which didn't have a meter on it, and a decent wad of cash stashed in a safe. Clay also worked as a truck driver, and he was a bit rough around the edges, but so what? Well, I'll tell you 'so what'.
That he kept a grow room didn't really bother me, but not being able to keep this little sideline business under his hat attracted the attention of some fairly undesirable individuals, four to be exact, who armed themselves as they saw fit and kicked in Clay's back door at three in the morning. Clay woke up, they shot at him, and he, being no slouch, returned fire. When the gun-smoke cleared, the cops showed up to count the bodies and demand to inspect the house as it was now a crime scene. And, well, one of the Sylvania PD recognized the bushes in the basement as Cannabis. Oh well.
So Main Lady wanted some enterprising individual to go door to door and get local residents to send a letter to the judge advising her to throw Clay into the hoosegow for a while. Guess who got volunteered. Many of the neighbors refused to answer their door, which I found rather odd. But then, if I saw some decrepit old man at the door in the late afternoon... well, I'd pack my gat and answer. Most of these little Brownies hid under their bed.
Anyway, I started writing. Lately I haven't been inspired to write much of anything, in spite of the fact that we, all of us, are living in interesting times.
The number of individuals whom I believe to be fairly intelligent and well educated but who are supporting the lunatic left Democratic party is staggering. They scream baseless criticisms at everyone about President Trump and the GOP, and they ignore the evidence surfacing about the mishandling of funds by our government. I would compare this to taking an elephant, painting the critter international orange and parking it in the middle of a Catholic Church during midnight mass - and no one sees it.
So, happy anniversary and thanks for reading and commenting.