Monday, February 27, 2023

Feeling Better

 I admit I was feeling a little blue for the past few days.  A kind of 'down in the dumps' feeling.  Then I read the Old NFO's blog and cheered right up.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Schoolyard Antics

This is old news, but I wanted the event to reach some kind of conclusion before I wrote about it.  The standard disclaimer applies.

Monday, February 6, 2023

When the Balloon Goes Up

 Unless you've been dead drunk the past week or so, you've heard all about the Chinese balloon that crossed the continental United States.  After a good deal of meaningless meetings during which one bloviating baby-kisser after another tried to make himself heard above the roar, the U.S. finally shot the damned thing down.

Everyone has an opinion, and I'm no exception.  Keep reading as it amuses you to do so.