As some of you may know and others can discover, my own dear mother made a quilt for my younger brother, Shotgun Bob. Having stifled the inevitable whines of the younger sibling (and any of you that has one knows exactly what I'm talking about) mom made his first, then made another quilt for her favorite son, Mad Jack. You can read all about and see the photos here:
On Mothers and Quilts. That finished, mom made another quilt for Shotgun Bob's wife, The Girl. Finished with that Herculean effort she's now tackling another quilt, this time for Main Lady.
The quilt isn't finished as yet, but I was so impressed with the colors and the pattern I took a few pictures. Mom would disown me for showing an incomplete work, so please keep it under your (black) hat.
Full Quilt |
Quilt Detail |
Quilt Detail |
Mom was laying the quilt out for the purposes of measuring it. Dante was willing to help but I think he was intimidated by the size and strangeness of the quilt; he thinks it may not be safe to walk on. Main Lady will be thrilled with the final result.
That is absolutely beautiful.
My dearly departed Grandmother, who left us at the young and tender age of 94, made quilts, doilies, scarves, hats, afghans, etc. After her passing, we went through her belongings and found such a treasure trove of hand made things. We found about a dozen knitted hats that we're pretty sure might have been "experiments." But, we all tried them on for posterity sake and took pics. Gram would have been laughing and crying.
The hand made things are priceless and should be carefully preserved for future generations.
That quilt is art of the highest value.
My thanks to all of you for your kind words. All of us will cherish our quilt; we're getting one per person. The quilting is done by hand, and by that I mean entirely by hand using the old needle and thread. Somewhere on each quilt you can find mom's initials.
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