Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Just Try and Tell Me Crime Doesn't Pay

 Go ahead and try, but before you do, read this.

Presidential Personal Gross Profit

The two amounts listed are starting wealth and ending wealth

All Amounts Are In Millions

  • JFK; $100; $100
  • Hey-Hey-LBJ; $14; $20
  • Tricky Dick; $2; $15
  • Ford; $1.4; $7
  • Jimmy the Peanut Farmer; $2.3; $10
  • Cowboy Ron; $10.6; $15.4
  • King George the First; $4; $23
  • Slick Willie Clinton; $1.3; $120
  • King George the Second; $20; $40
  • Ayatollah Obongo; $1.3; $70
  • Slow Joe Bidet; $8; $10

President Donald Trump lost money during his first term in office.

The salary for the President of the United States is around four hundred large, so tell me - just how did this drastic increase in personal wealth happen?

Give up? Well, here's one possible explanation with more to come.

In Treasury's basement, fluorescent lights hummed above four young coders. Their screens cast blue light across government-issue desks, illuminating energy drink cans and agency badges. As their algorithms crawled through decades of payment data, one number kept growing: $17 billion in redundant programs. And counting.

"We're in," Akash Bobba messaged the team. "All of it."

Edward Coristine's code had already mapped three subsystems. Luke Farritor's algorithms were tracing payment flows across agencies. Ethan Shaotran's analysis revealed patterns that career officials didn't even know existed. By dawn, they would understand more about Treasury's operations than people who had worked there for decades.

This wasn't a hack.

This is a quote from INSIDE THE REVOLUTION REWIRING AMERICAN POWER, courtesy of EKO Override. courtesy of the Bayou Renaissance Man

I don't always agree with Peter Grant. He's something of an alarmist and prone to hyperbola, but in this case I don't think the gravity of this situation could be overstated. I'd encourage everyone to read this article and any associated articles, then draw your own conclusions.


CWMartin said...

Since I follow a lot of Elon-ites on X, not sure I really need the article to tell me more of what I already know...

Glen Filthie said...

Yup. This is nothing new. I remember Uncle Bob and others bitching about this stuff over a decade ago. But it didn't affect the Average Joe, the Normies, the Grillers or Peter Grant. We were all paying our bills, working and even saving enough for a little fun now and then so we all just shrugged and accepted it and let it go.

And now...? Welp...yeah. Maybe that wasn't a good idea. Sure, crime pays...until it doesn't. In the circles I hang out with the political atmosphere is murderous. People are howling for arrests and worse.

I don't think Trump is putting an end to anything. Rather, I suspect that things may just be getting started. Half of our nations are now stupid, violent imported shitskins that think they're entitled to everything free. They wrecked their own homelands and will do the same here if they have their way. I can see another civil war brewing... but whadda I know? Hopefully I'm wrong and just being overly alarmist but time will tell.