I enjoy reading Glen Filthie over at Filthie's Thunderbox (Where Great Intelligence Goes To Be Insulted). Given the specified parameters, don't ask me what I'm doing there.
The other day (Wednesday, May 19th, 2021) Glen posted a rambling, disorganized, but somewhat cogent missive on government expenditures, government funded benefits, and howler monkeys during mating season.
I found his missive inspiring, and so posted a reply.
I was so impressed with my own efforts (I'd been drinking), that I copied my short essay, did some judicious editing, and posted it here. Read it as it amuses you to do so, with the usual warning and disclaimer - void where prohibited, no deposit no return, the sleeves will ride up with wear, and thin skinned SJWs and affiliated moonbats should be offended to the point of mandatory psychiatric treatment.