Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas!

This is my official Merry Christmas! post.  Any of you who are not Christian, I'm wishing you a Happy Hanukkah or a Joyous Kwanzaa, whichever is most appropriate.  For anyone who doesn't fall into one of these three categories, label yourself and stop causing trouble.

In times past both my parents were alive, and we had a large gathering for Christmas dinner.  Among the eighteen or so guests were Uncle Sardonicus and Grandpa Parsimonious.  My old dad really knew how to pour a drink, and Uncle Sardonicus liked to bend his elbow and pontificate on politics.  Since he knew everything that was worth knowing, and since he was an idiot a liberal, these speeches could easily lead to a civilized disagreement.  Keep reading - trust me.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Private School in the Big Windy - What Will Your Child Get?

I caught this story on Knuckledraggin My Life Away (which if you don't read, you should).  You can check the link Oh, HELL NO!!!, but it actually leads to the story Project Veritas Undercover Highlights Chicago School Dean Bragging About Sharing Sex Toys with Minors in Classroom, as published on December 8, 2022, courtesy of The Conservative Treehouse.

Keep reading for a commentary and rant that is unsuitable for moon-bats, SJWs, and fragile little snowflakes.

Monday, December 5, 2022

The 'No Food' Diet - Coming to a City Near You!

Big Mike announced that he's stopped wondering why people do the bat-shit crazy, incredibly thick-headed things that often make the news.  If I wanted a modicum of mental tranquility, I'd follow his example - but I'm not that bright.  I'm the sort that will take my finger out of the dyke to see if she'll demand I plug her up again dike to see if the water will come out.  Then I'll repair to the nearest bar and have a drink or three while the storm drain system overflows into the next country.

This latest move by the European Union and the environmentalists pretty much puts them all on the city council in Crazy Town, at least temporarily, and could easily lead to a genuine insurrection.  Keep reading for half a rant, complete with a decent helping of testosterone fueled toxicity.