Saturday, August 17, 2024

Monkey Pox! Monkey Pox!

I was inspired by a post over at Filthie’s Log Of Ease, where our noble host wonders just how Monkey Pox, or Mpox, is spread.  Here's a link to the article: Walking On The Wild Side.

From the article by Glen Filthie:

Near as I can tell Monkey Pox is pretty much Darwin and Murphy hating on queers. If you limit your exposure to them and their lifestyle you have very little to worry about. One is tempted to be complacent and contemptuous of the red alerts coming out of the medicos after the Covid scam… but we can’t afford to do that! [Emphasis mine - MJ]

He's right. Having done a little research on the subject, there are a few key points to consider.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Elaina Rose Jennings, Daniel John Giacchina, Torture and the Death Penalty

I'm often against the death penalty.  As screwed up and corrupt as our justice system is in the United States, I don't trust any of them to get it right the first time. There are exceptions, and here I wordlessly point to the Innocence Project, which wouldn't exist if the justice system was anything close to perfect.  Then I read about a case like this one and start to ponder the good old lynch mob.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Even More Stupidity on FB

Some wind-up toy (Linda Jacobs Rice) on FuckBook posted this piece of drivel, and for some reason it just got on my very last nerve.  Here's the post and my response, deliberately worded to avoid Ef-Bee's robo censures.