This is the mandatory Happy New Year! post. Happy happy 2020; happy goodbye to 2019.
The news in 2019, in review. Note that these news events are selected arbitrarily, without any consideration for importance to the world around us or interest of the readers - all three of them.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 30, 2019
Christmas 2019
I did the obligatory Christmas dinner, which was excellent. My contribution was a plate of deviled eggs.
The only thing left to do in 2019 was to go out shooting and finish out the day with a cocktail and a board game, which we did yesterday. Big Mike, California Dave, and I all went to the range.
Deviled Eggs |
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Obilgatory Merry Christmas Post - 2019
Merry Christmas to all of you reading this. My best to you and yours!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Plea for Help - Thank You! from Jackie
I set up a GoFundMe page for Jackie Ruth Brown Koson. Here is a message sent to me from Jackie, which she asked me to share with everyone:
My sincere and heartfelt thanks to all of you for helping Jackie.
Thank you for setting up a GoFundme page under my name. I have had tons of medical appointments that will continue for a while. The good news is that I am now in physical therapy three times a week for the broken foot that I have had since June. The Doctors discovered a second break which was not initially reported.And there you have it. The part that matters is not the amount; it's knowing that someone, somewhere cares about your well-being enough to send you a few bucks and maybe a prayer or two.
The surgery site is healing. I will need further reconstruction in six months.
I need to maintain a healthy diet for my autoimmune disease.
I went to see my doctor today who told me to go buy scar away silicone patches which will help with further healing along with Vitamin E oil.
I was completely stressed today not knowing how I was going to meet all of the expenses that I have financially. I came home to a GoFundme check in the mail which I am highly grateful for.
I would like to personally thank all the donors who donated funding. I can not even put into words how much your donations mean to me.
I am forever grateful!
Warm regards to all,
Jackie Ruth Brown Koson
My sincere and heartfelt thanks to all of you for helping Jackie.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Plea For Help
It hits us all, even the most self-sufficient of us. A few little things pile up - the truck throws a rod, and a few days later you have a grease fire in the kitchen, then a few days after that you're hauling a load of junk down to the curb for unlimited pickup day, and you step in a gopher hole and break your ankle in three places. Now you can't work, and you can't get around. And then? Then you get cancer.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
You Go When Your Number's Up
I came close to cashing in my chips yesterday (Saturday, 10/19/2019), but was saved at the last minute. Here's the entire story in excruciating detail.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Important! Read this one...
If anyone reading this announcement plays games that are slightly more complex than slap jack, keep reading for hilarity that I truly wish I'd had a hand in designing. For the rest of you, well... at least you can read. Keep reading. You'll love it.
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Loads of Fertilizer For The Turbine Blades
Most of this is screaming news, the sole purpose of which is to drown out real problems. Let's see what we've got here, and then I'll cite a few problems I think are serious.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Employee Abuse at Google
Take any or all of the top fifty tech companies, and Google will float to the top. Being bored out of my mind recently, I decided to read Slashdot which is rare for me, and I stumbled over this story about employee abuse at Google.
Evidently, over the past few years, the tyrannical middle management at Google have a zero tolerance policy for whiners and whistle blowers, but there's a bit more to the story than the tip of the iceberg you can see, looming dead ahead in the fog.
Evidently, over the past few years, the tyrannical middle management at Google have a zero tolerance policy for whiners and whistle blowers, but there's a bit more to the story than the tip of the iceberg you can see, looming dead ahead in the fog.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Quora Question: Why is there air?
The old Coz knew the answer to that one. Here's a few answers I posted on Quora, mainly to see how long my insightful if somewhat pithy responses would be tolerated by the overly sensitive Quora censors that protect humanity from people like me.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Of Mice and Mayhem
Wednesday morning (the infamous 9-11) I got ambitious enough to make eggs and bacon for breakfast. Just for a change of pace, I scrambled the eggs in my small, cast iron skillet. I inherited this from my great-uncle Clyde, who used it every morning during the depression.
Clyde was a bachelor, preferring the hell of his own making over the excruciating torment delightfully brought on by his one big mistake in life. The man was content to live alone, and by all accounts was happiest that way.
After breakfast I went out to run some errand or other, and when I returned what should I find? A nice, big field mouse helping itself to the leftover eggs in my skillet, which I'd thoughtfully left on the stove just for him. The cute little pestilence would hop into the skillet and get some eggs, then hop out and hide under the skillet.
Right next to the burner.
Clyde was a bachelor, preferring the hell of his own making over the excruciating torment delightfully brought on by his one big mistake in life. The man was content to live alone, and by all accounts was happiest that way.
After breakfast I went out to run some errand or other, and when I returned what should I find? A nice, big field mouse helping itself to the leftover eggs in my skillet, which I'd thoughtfully left on the stove just for him. The cute little pestilence would hop into the skillet and get some eggs, then hop out and hide under the skillet.
Right next to the burner.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Joke Time
God was missing for six days. Eventually, Michael, the archangel, found him, resting on the seventh.
"Where have you been?" Michael asked.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Banned Words
All kinds of words have been banned over the years. The first word that comes to my mind is antidisestablishmentarianism, but that's probably just me. I'm a bit odd.
On my previous contribution to the overall knowledge of mankind, a casual reader delurked a left a single, succinct suggestion.
My thanks to Lens Larque for an excellent suggestion.
Beginning today, the phrase gun control will no longer appear in any of my posts. Instead, I'll use disarming the law-abiding public. I'll have to find something else to replace discussion with. Something on the order of "unwarranted attack" comes to mind.
Comments may, of course, use whatever language the author of the comment sees fit.
On my previous contribution to the overall knowledge of mankind, a casual reader delurked a left a single, succinct suggestion.
When you use the phrase "gun control" you cede most of the ground to The Enemy, who created that phrase for just that purpose. Use "disarming the law-abiding" because THAT is what is under "discussion" (a term you should also reject).
My thanks to Lens Larque for an excellent suggestion.
Beginning today, the phrase gun control will no longer appear in any of my posts. Instead, I'll use disarming the law-abiding public. I'll have to find something else to replace discussion with. Something on the order of "unwarranted attack" comes to mind.
Comments may, of course, use whatever language the author of the comment sees fit.
Monday, August 5, 2019
Shootings and Solutions
Well, unless you've been incommunicado for the past week, you know all about the two new mass shootings that have the anti-freedom crowd frothing at the mouth.
Kicking around the Internet, I found one blogger who got it right, and who is worth reading.
Keep going, with the standard disclaimer about special little snowflakes and thin skinned moonbats getting their cute little hides branded.
Kicking around the Internet, I found one blogger who got it right, and who is worth reading.
Keep going, with the standard disclaimer about special little snowflakes and thin skinned moonbats getting their cute little hides branded.
Friday, July 26, 2019
My Interesting Life - 7/26/2019
Yesterday, while minding my own business, I missed getting into a traffic accident by ten feet or so, then I saw some poor little kid get punched out and decked by an adult while at my local Kroger's. Here's my rant, complete with racist, misogynist, misandrist, and politically incorrect and callous comments.
All you special little snowflakes and SJWs better plug your ears and blind yourself with number two pencils before continuing.
All you special little snowflakes and SJWs better plug your ears and blind yourself with number two pencils before continuing.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Joke Time!
I thought this was a good one, but naturally it's a bit off color. Continue at your own risk.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Black Plague, Los Angeles Homeless, and a Crapcopter with a Flamethrower
That last should get Glen Filthie, owner and operator of Filthie's Thunderbox , started right up. You see, Glen has been having an argument with the boys in the Treehouse Club about drones and low yield nuclear devices, Vulcan Cannons, and the end of the world as ISIS would like to know it.
Then there's Los Angeles and the brand knew revelation by a cartoonist and a noteworthy doctor that, surprise-surprise, L.A. is going to be facing a very serious health crises in the near future.
Keep reading for my politically incorrect rant, which is guaranteed to anger and activate any and all special little snowflakes in a sixty mile radius. The drone argument is at the end.
Then there's Los Angeles and the brand knew revelation by a cartoonist and a noteworthy doctor that, surprise-surprise, L.A. is going to be facing a very serious health crises in the near future.
Keep reading for my politically incorrect rant, which is guaranteed to anger and activate any and all special little snowflakes in a sixty mile radius. The drone argument is at the end.
Monday, July 8, 2019
SJWs Reach a Brand New Low
I broke my toes on an empty case of bourbon, fell into my office chair and multi-fingered the keyboard for about three eternities. When I was able to see again, I found myself staring at Quillette, and the article Publicly Shaming a Musician for Calling a Composition by Its Name by Kurt Gottschalk. It looked interesting.
The SJWs are still at it, this time in Nova Scotia. The event was a gathering of... well, I better insert the standard warning before I continue, because I'm going to get nasty. If you're an SJW, continue at your own risk.
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Plight of the Children and Others
Use Your Words! Use Your Words!
I hear this all the time, mainly from Millennials trying to settle two or more squabbling kids. Instead of saying, "You kids settle yourselves down, and I mean now!", they say "Use your words! Use your words!"
What words are they talking about?
Continue for a brief lesson on training children that hasn't won any awards from Psychology Today, Good Housekeeping, or Parenting magazine.
What words are they talking about?
Continue for a brief lesson on training children that hasn't won any awards from Psychology Today, Good Housekeeping, or Parenting magazine.
Friday, July 5, 2019
Bricks and Free Speech
I occasionally read Kim du Toit, and although I don't agree with everything he writes, he usually has a fairly solid take on political events. At the very least, the man is demonstrably literate.
On a recent post Kim referenced a Tweet by some moronic Moonbat about Antifa disruptions, milkshakes, and bricks (see the pic).
![]() |
Sarah Gailey |
Tor Books Blogger Sarah Gailey Calls For Violence and Murder After Reporter Andy Ngo Attacked by Antifa by John Trent
Tor Books blogger and the author of Magic for Liars and the American Hippo Sarah Gailey called for violence and murder following the attack on reporter Andy Ngo by members of Antifa.Sarah Gailey has since deleted the tweets, they having served their purpose and now being something of a liability. Kim wrote what I would call a typical Kim-style response in Kim du Toit - Gloves Off
Gailey, in a number of now-deleted tweets, called for not only violence against those opposing Antifa, but also called for murder.
On June 30th, Gailey tweeted, “If we can’t throw milkshakes I guess we’ll just have to go back to bricks.” One of the weapons used in the attack against Ngo was a milkshake. Portland police reported they had been informed that wet cement mix had been mixed in with milkshakes that were being used as weapons by Antifa.
From Kim:
I repeat, for the umpteenth time: are you Leftist lunatics absolutely sure you want to start down this road?Continue reading for my own take on this one, but be forewarned: If you're a sensitive little POS or a member of some subculture that's always getting offended, take your Xanax before you continue reading.
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Happy July 4th, 2019 - Independance Day!
I could pontificate about the bad old days, April 19, 1775 – September 3, 1783 (8 years, 4 months and 15 days), with the official ratification effective on May 12, 1784 (9 years and 23 days), but I won't. The Revolutionary War was a tough time all over, mainly because the British were not the benevolent monarchy they thought they were, and most of their subjects were pissed off at them - enough to go after some relief.
You know how bad things have to get before people will organize to do anything, let alone take up arms and go to war? Pretty bad, for sure.
These days we prefer to celebrate and proclaim our independence from tyrannical foreign powers. Like Canada, for instance.
Keep reading for a few insights and inflammatory comments, not all of which are original.
You know how bad things have to get before people will organize to do anything, let alone take up arms and go to war? Pretty bad, for sure.
These days we prefer to celebrate and proclaim our independence from tyrannical foreign powers. Like Canada, for instance.
Keep reading for a few insights and inflammatory comments, not all of which are original.
Monday, July 1, 2019
An Accurate Tweet
I don't like Twitter. I can't see tweeting anything much beyond the occasional insult to some foaming at the yap social sub-class whose members are terminally confused about reality and which restroom to use.
However, comma.
Big Mike shot this one over to me, and the author is completely in step with reality and is as succinct as he is accurate.
Don't you just love it? Portland, where you need an AR-15 and eyes in the back of your head if you're a journalist. Los Angeles, where the rat problem is worse than New York City's, and gentrification consists of an outfitter's tent or a car that actually runs. Then there's San Francisco, where residents are discovering weird new (to the U.S.) diseases that were previously confined to the open sewers of the middle ages and modernized third worlds.
So here's a tip of the old fedora and a hoist of the morning bourbon glass to James Poulos. I'd go out drinking with you anytime, James.
However, comma.
Big Mike shot this one over to me, and the author is completely in step with reality and is as succinct as he is accurate.
Tweet by James Poulos |
So here's a tip of the old fedora and a hoist of the morning bourbon glass to James Poulos. I'd go out drinking with you anytime, James.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Bury My Hatchet at Wounded Knee
Well, here we go. The Indians are trying to run this ragged old flag up the pole instead of shoving it where it belongs, and - keep reading if you want, but know that non-politically correct language lies ahead alongside my alcohol fueled views on Injuns and history in general.
Saturday, June 22, 2019
RFI: Blogger States and Other Mysteries
I'm looking over the statistics for my little slice of annoyance and trying to decide if I should be depressed or elated because, you see, on one hand people are actually reading my blog, but on the other hand my readers include people like that beer swilling, gun loving Canadian Glen Filthie, and when you come right down to it I'd like to think that a few respectable individuals waste their time here as opposed to TV SitCom reruns on Hulu.
Dispensing with the levity, I have one post that's getting a lot of hits and I don't know just why this might be. The post with the heavy traffic is Restaurant Review: Simms Steakhouse, which is an ordinary review. This would bother me a good deal less than it does, but one referring site is (interrupted)
Edit (6/24/19): click on apeniano dot top below at your own risk. The site triggered Malwarebytes, then when I opted not to continue, it showed me a xxx nude female advertising something, and she wasn't pushing a new breakfast cereal.
My thanks to Ed for the heads up.
(continued) The site doesn't seem to do anything or be anything, and I was hoping someone could shed a little light on this.
Would someone please enlighten me as to who or what apeniano dot top is?
Dispensing with the levity, I have one post that's getting a lot of hits and I don't know just why this might be. The post with the heavy traffic is Restaurant Review: Simms Steakhouse, which is an ordinary review. This would bother me a good deal less than it does, but one referring site is (interrupted)
Edit (6/24/19): click on apeniano dot top below at your own risk. The site triggered Malwarebytes, then when I opted not to continue, it showed me a xxx nude female advertising something, and she wasn't pushing a new breakfast cereal.
My thanks to Ed for the heads up.
(continued) The site doesn't seem to do anything or be anything, and I was hoping someone could shed a little light on this.
Would someone please enlighten me as to who or what apeniano dot top is?
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Restaurant Review: The Grass Skirt Tiki Room
Grass Skirt Tiki Room |
Grass Skirt Tiki Room
105 N Grant Ave. Columbus, OH 43215
(At the corner of Long and Grant)
(614) 429-3650
Grass Skirt Tiki Room
Grass Skirt Email
Mon: 11am – 10pm
Tue–Thr: 11am – 11pm
Fri-Sat: 11am – 12am
Friday, June 14, 2019
David versus Goliath - Oberlin College
I picked up on A win for the little guys... thanks to the Old NFO, and while I was out drinking last night I heard that Oberlin got their Liberal philosophy shoved sideways up their collective fundament with a bucket of sand to make it fit better. After that, they got the crap slapped out of them.
For anyone not familiar with this situation, here's a quick summary:
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Dinner and Drinking
I have nothing profound to write about today, although news is plentiful if an idle person decides to look. One story I enjoyed is available at the Antique Naval Flight Officer's blog, where our noble host celebrates a significant victory of a small but honest and trustworthy family owned business over the evil group of POS (perpetually offended snowflakes) that run Oberlin University, and who whipped the student body into a self-righteous knickers-twisted fury, when... go read it for yourself.
Friday, June 7, 2019
Kicking the Habit
Loyal Reader: Hey there, Mad Jack! How are you? It's almost 1:30 PM and you don't have a cocktail sitting next to the keyboard. Are you sure you're feeling alright?
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Hat Tip to Fred Reed
Here's a tip of the old fedora and a hoist of the early, early afternoon bourbon glass to that bellicose bellyacher, superior sorehead, that lovable old curmudgeon, Fred Reed. Fred moved his blog from wherever it was to The Unz Review, where his work can be found at Fred Reed. The man himself can be found somewhere in Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico. Fred claims the relocation was necessary for financial reasons, and who am I to argue? Me, I think Fred may be bringing in a few extra bucks, which is always nice.
I like reading Fred's articles, which I believe reflect whatever occurs to Fred that afternoon. Should I ever win the lottery, I plan to take a trip to Mexico, find Fred, and buy him a drink.
I like reading Fred's articles, which I believe reflect whatever occurs to Fred that afternoon. Should I ever win the lottery, I plan to take a trip to Mexico, find Fred, and buy him a drink.
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Kermit Gosnell Employees and Associates Sentencing
Having read the book, Gosnell: The Untold Story of America's Most Prolific Serial Killer Kindle Edition by Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer , and seen the film Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer (2018), I can tell you that the entire case is horrific. In my opinion the book and the film should not be available to anyone under 25; the things that are shown and described really did happen.
I have two questions about the entire Gosnell case - only two:
Here's what I was able to discover, and it wasn't easy to find.
My comments are at the end of blog post and are not fit for anyone who is easily offended or has a thin skin.
I have two questions about the entire Gosnell case - only two:
- One, what happened to the employees who assisted Gosnell, or who knew what he was doing and never said anything?
- Two, how many more fiends like Gosnell are out there, still operating freely?
Here's what I was able to discover, and it wasn't easy to find.
My comments are at the end of blog post and are not fit for anyone who is easily offended or has a thin skin.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
RFI: System Software Question
I'm running Windoze 7.
Edit: Problem solved thanks to Merlin, who suggested:
Just why a man of such brilliance and good taste would be hanging out here will remain one of life's little mysteries.
My thanks to everyone else for their help, as it is truly appreciated.
I have a directory e:\foo, and under that I have many subdirectories:
and under those, many other subdirectories:
and at the end of each tree there may be a file:
I want a utility to navigate the tree, and when it finds a file I want it to copy that file to a single directory, such as:
thus putting all the files in one place and eliminating this tree. I've looked and haven't found anything except sites offering free spyware.
Is there such a utility anywhere?
Edit: Problem solved thanks to Merlin, who suggested:
You could always zip the entire directory structure, then unzip to a location without restoring the paths. This would essentially flatten your entire directory structure to a single level.
Just why a man of such brilliance and good taste would be hanging out here will remain one of life's little mysteries.
My thanks to everyone else for their help, as it is truly appreciated.
I have a directory e:\foo, and under that I have many subdirectories:
and under those, many other subdirectories:
and at the end of each tree there may be a file:
I want a utility to navigate the tree, and when it finds a file I want it to copy that file to a single directory, such as:
thus putting all the files in one place and eliminating this tree. I've looked and haven't found anything except sites offering free spyware.
Is there such a utility anywhere?
Friday, May 24, 2019
Joke Time - Moms Then, Moms Now
I got this pic from someplace or other, but it inspired me to a certain degree.
Keep reading, as it amuses you to do so.
Moms Then: Say that again and I'll wash your mouth out with soap!
Moms Now: That word is inappropriate.
Kids Then: Yes ma'am.
Kids Now: Mister Fathead, my assistant school shrink, said it's okay because it's part of self-expression an' shit.
Moms Then: You'll eat what I make whether you like it or not. There are starving children in this world.
Moms Now: Good job trying one bite of the dinner I made. Now you can have Mac & Cheese.
Kids Then: So wrap up this slop and send it to 'em, they're so hungry. Look, the dog won't even eat it.
Kids Now: I don't want Mac & Cheese. I want McDonalds.
Moms Then: You better stop crying or I'll really give you something to cry about!
Moms Now: I can see you're upset. Take a deep breath and use your words.
Kids Then: ::silence::
Kids Now: Last time I used my words, grandma washed out my mouth with Dawn dish soap!
Moms Then: You want to go out? Take your bike. Be home before dark.
Moms Now: You can't walk around the block by yourself. I'll drive you. Text me when you need a ride back.
Kids Then: Bye!
Kids Now: Why not? Grampa told me about the time he was gone for a week before anyone noticed, and you used to go anywhere you wanted - back in the old days.
Moms Then: Take a brown bag with a bologna sandwich on Wonder bread. Grab a Twinkie and a Hawaiian Punch too.
Moms Now: I packed your bento box with almond butter on whole grain, kale chips, and an organic smoothie.
Kids Then: Thanks! Can I get an extra Twinkie today? Please?
Kids Now: Good. Send it to the starving kids in India Grandma keeps karping about, and gimme a ten spot for Taco Hell.
![]() |
Then and Now |
Moms Then: Say that again and I'll wash your mouth out with soap!
Moms Now: That word is inappropriate.
Kids Then: Yes ma'am.
Kids Now: Mister Fathead, my assistant school shrink, said it's okay because it's part of self-expression an' shit.
Moms Then: You'll eat what I make whether you like it or not. There are starving children in this world.
Moms Now: Good job trying one bite of the dinner I made. Now you can have Mac & Cheese.
Kids Then: So wrap up this slop and send it to 'em, they're so hungry. Look, the dog won't even eat it.
Kids Now: I don't want Mac & Cheese. I want McDonalds.
Moms Then: You better stop crying or I'll really give you something to cry about!
Moms Now: I can see you're upset. Take a deep breath and use your words.
Kids Then: ::silence::
Kids Now: Last time I used my words, grandma washed out my mouth with Dawn dish soap!
Moms Then: You want to go out? Take your bike. Be home before dark.
Moms Now: You can't walk around the block by yourself. I'll drive you. Text me when you need a ride back.
Kids Then: Bye!
Kids Now: Why not? Grampa told me about the time he was gone for a week before anyone noticed, and you used to go anywhere you wanted - back in the old days.
Moms Then: Take a brown bag with a bologna sandwich on Wonder bread. Grab a Twinkie and a Hawaiian Punch too.
Moms Now: I packed your bento box with almond butter on whole grain, kale chips, and an organic smoothie.
Kids Then: Thanks! Can I get an extra Twinkie today? Please?
Kids Now: Good. Send it to the starving kids in India Grandma keeps karping about, and gimme a ten spot for Taco Hell.
Quora Question: I Give My Girlfriend...
Here's the entire question:
I give my girlfriend money to buy groceries, and she buys random things. I then have to buy groceries so that an actual meal can be prepared. How can I teach her how to buy groceries like an adult?
This guy's an idiot. I wrote another answer that may offend the delicate sensibilities of the Quora moderators.
I give my girlfriend money to buy groceries, and she buys random things. I then have to buy groceries so that an actual meal can be prepared. How can I teach her how to buy groceries like an adult?
This guy's an idiot. I wrote another answer that may offend the delicate sensibilities of the Quora moderators.
Quora Question: How did polka dancing originate?
Incredible as it may seem, someone wants an answer to this one. So I provided one, and the real question is, one what?
My contribution will likely be deleted in a few minutes, but one never knows. Keep reading for the truth about Polka.
My contribution will likely be deleted in a few minutes, but one never knows. Keep reading for the truth about Polka.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
When the Pellets Hit the Windmill
I note that Peter Grant the Bayou Renaissance Man has published two more posts on the collapse of civilization during a catastrophe. You may read them as it amuses you to do so at An Interesting Look at Urban Defense (May 11, 2019) and Urban Conflict: A Recent Object Lesson (May 14, 2019).
Most of the time I find I'm in general agreement with whatever Peter has to say. I perceive Peter to be an intelligent, erudite man with an unusual amount of life experience. He's also a Christian, with a solid set of Christian morals and ethics. So most of the time I think Peter has the right of it, but this time he's overlooking a few points. Here they are, in no general order.
Most of the time I find I'm in general agreement with whatever Peter has to say. I perceive Peter to be an intelligent, erudite man with an unusual amount of life experience. He's also a Christian, with a solid set of Christian morals and ethics. So most of the time I think Peter has the right of it, but this time he's overlooking a few points. Here they are, in no general order.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Curtis Reeves Chad Oulson Shooting - Slow Progress
I wrote about this case before, but for the sake of convenience a brief summary is called for.
Curtis Reeves, a 71 year old retired police captain, was at the Cobb Grove 16 Theater in Wesley Chapel, Florida with his wife. Chad Oulson, a 41 year old, physically fit, hardworking man, was at the same movie with his wife, and was sitting in front of Reeves. During the pregame show Chad was texting someone, Curtis objected, and words were exchanged. The short of it is that Reeves had a container of popcorn which Oulson seized and threw at him.
So Reeves shot Oulson with a .380 automatic and killed him.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Facts About Bees, Trees, and Latinos
I went out for lunch today, which was a mistake. For a sawbuck I got an overly large portion of meatloaf and gravy, a somewhat lesser portion of mashed potatoes, and a small helping of canned green beans. The beans were the best part of the meal; the meatloaf upset my delicate constitution.
On my way back from the restaurant I found a Mexican man in my driveway, explaining to my neighbor (not that one, thank the Lord) that there were bees up in the pine tree behind my house. Just why I'd care about this is beyond me, but he insisted on pointing them out until I, surprise-surprise, saw a swarm of bees at the top of one of the pine trees behind my house.
Well, hot damn.
I told him to let 'em be (clever pun intended) because they were important to the ecology. He agreed, but he kept talking about the bees. I wanted to go inside, so I finally just shrugged it all off and left him to his own devices.
Naturally, that's when the fun started.
On my way back from the restaurant I found a Mexican man in my driveway, explaining to my neighbor (not that one, thank the Lord) that there were bees up in the pine tree behind my house. Just why I'd care about this is beyond me, but he insisted on pointing them out until I, surprise-surprise, saw a swarm of bees at the top of one of the pine trees behind my house.
Well, hot damn.
I told him to let 'em be (clever pun intended) because they were important to the ecology. He agreed, but he kept talking about the bees. I wanted to go inside, so I finally just shrugged it all off and left him to his own devices.
Naturally, that's when the fun started.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Advice Wanted: Response to Disgusting Story
I have a friend in Cleveland who, for reasons associated with dementia and drunkenness, hit me with this question the other day. I knew what I might say, but advising him on what to say is a different matter. One that requires diplomacy and a kind, considerate demeanor.
If you're a thin skinned politically correct special little snowflake, I'm warning you right up front that it's hotter than the hinges on the gates of hell below the fold. Keep reading and you'll end up a tiny puddle of water with a permanently bent mind.
The rest of you, keep going. It's business as usual.
If you're a thin skinned politically correct special little snowflake, I'm warning you right up front that it's hotter than the hinges on the gates of hell below the fold. Keep reading and you'll end up a tiny puddle of water with a permanently bent mind.
The rest of you, keep going. It's business as usual.
Friday, May 3, 2019
Walking in a Dangerous Area - Pack Your Whatever
I was minding my own business and nursing my morning bourbon, when I ran across this little gem in my email, courtesy of Spot Crime.
Spot Crime uses local police reports, and although it's a long way from being complete it's better than nothing. For instance, I live near Machine Gun Alley, and we had a shooting next to my condo complex recently involving two cars, four people, one shooter, and two targets. One driver collected six and lived to tell about it, while his passenger jumped out and ran for it. She collected one to the lung and lived to tell about it. The shooter hasn't been caught, and neither has his buddy.
Here's today's report, which includes this little gem: Indecent Exposure.
Red hot damn! Probably some chick walking around topless, protesting for the LGBT movement or free speech or something. Maybe I can track down a few pix!
Before we go any further, the usual warning applies. The rest of the post is not politically correct and is deliberately designed to offend people. If you're a regular reader, keep going. All others return to their safe area - Slash dot, Face Book, whatever.
Spot Crime uses local police reports, and although it's a long way from being complete it's better than nothing. For instance, I live near Machine Gun Alley, and we had a shooting next to my condo complex recently involving two cars, four people, one shooter, and two targets. One driver collected six and lived to tell about it, while his passenger jumped out and ran for it. She collected one to the lung and lived to tell about it. The shooter hasn't been caught, and neither has his buddy.
Here's today's report, which includes this little gem: Indecent Exposure.
Indecent Exposure! |
Before we go any further, the usual warning applies. The rest of the post is not politically correct and is deliberately designed to offend people. If you're a regular reader, keep going. All others return to their safe area - Slash dot, Face Book, whatever.
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Shamless Commercial Message - But Worth Reading
Brigid Johnson could certainly be described as an accomplished woman, but that's an understatement. She's pretty much got it all - she intelligent, talented, erudite, and she's hotter than a five dollar pistol on Saturday night. Yeah, all that and a fifth of top shelf bourbon.
She's also married.
Brigid has published another book which shot to the top of the Amazon bestseller list like a Stinger missile going after a Soviet Hind. When the dust cleared it was revealed that all the proceeds from the sales are going to charity. Brigid funds an animal rescue and a veteran's charity organization.
Lessons is available on Amazon, here: True Course: Lessons Learned From a Life Aloft
It's a great read and a worthy cause.
And now, back to my regularly scheduled Happy Hour.
She's also married.
Brigid has published another book which shot to the top of the Amazon bestseller list like a Stinger missile going after a Soviet Hind. When the dust cleared it was revealed that all the proceeds from the sales are going to charity. Brigid funds an animal rescue and a veteran's charity organization.
Lessons is available on Amazon, here: True Course: Lessons Learned From a Life Aloft
It's a great read and a worthy cause.
And now, back to my regularly scheduled Happy Hour.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Ess Oh Ess Update (Second Update)
I wrote a post a few days back asking for the odd get well card for Eva, a young lady recovering from a kidney transplant. You can read it here as it amuses you to do so.
The response was significant, and the cards filled a shopping bag. My sincere thanks to all of you who took the time to send Eva a get well card.
Eva is still recovering, and still in isolation. We have no news about when she'll get out. Should anyone want to send another card, I'm sure she'd enjoy hearing from you. The address is:
1912 STATE ROUTE 256
Eva is 11 years old and in fifth grade.
Have a great day, and thanks again for your cards and letters.
Most recent update (4/29/2019); I got this from Carole, who is the originator of this entire effort:
I delivered 48 cards, 6 books, and 1 coloring book. Here's a message from Eva's grandmother to all of you: "What a blessing. I have no words to express my gratitude."
The response was significant, and the cards filled a shopping bag. My sincere thanks to all of you who took the time to send Eva a get well card.
Eva is still recovering, and still in isolation. We have no news about when she'll get out. Should anyone want to send another card, I'm sure she'd enjoy hearing from you. The address is:
1912 STATE ROUTE 256
Eva is 11 years old and in fifth grade.
Have a great day, and thanks again for your cards and letters.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Most recent update (4/29/2019); I got this from Carole, who is the originator of this entire effort:
I delivered 48 cards, 6 books, and 1 coloring book. Here's a message from Eva's grandmother to all of you: "What a blessing. I have no words to express my gratitude."
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Quora Question: Christianity and Homosexuals, Bisexuals, and OtherSexuals
I've been censored on Quora, and little wonder. Someone posed the question:
Christians, if you found out your son or daughter is gay, would you lovingly accept their partner into your home?
Dumb old me, I have to answer it. Keep reading for a politically incorrect answer to the question along with a semi-civilized debate with two other Quora users who disagreed with me.
Disclaimer: Your mileage may vary, void where prohibited, any trigger warning you can think of has officially been made in this general statement: Rhino hides only! If you're a sensitive perpetually pissed off little snowflake, the rest of this post is likely to damage your tender little psyche.
Dangerous content lurks below the fold.
Friday, April 19, 2019
Quora Question: Did some husbands in the 1950's really get their wives lobotomized?
From someone on Quora: Did some husbands in the 1950's really get their wives lobotomized?
Yes, they did. Men who were psychiatrists (meaning they are an M.D.) had the authority to have anyone committed to a mental institution against their will, and to be medicated against their will. The treatments in the mental hospital could, and often did, include a lobotomy. Electroshock therapy was also popular.
Yes, they did. Men who were psychiatrists (meaning they are an M.D.) had the authority to have anyone committed to a mental institution against their will, and to be medicated against their will. The treatments in the mental hospital could, and often did, include a lobotomy. Electroshock therapy was also popular.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Ess Oh Ess - Card or Two Wanted
I occasionally scan through a social media platform called Next Door, mainly because it costs nothing and every once in a while I get some news about crime, taxation, and how our lunatic fringe lefty local government is giving me the shaft. It always cheers me up to know that I'm not alone.
The other day I stumbled across a message from some well-meaning good Samaritan, and decided to help out a little.
Here's the message from Ms. Samaritan:
I don't know any of these people, and I don't eat at Culver's. That being the case, this poor kid is having a hard time of it. She's recovering from surgery and has been confined to quarters since January. They don't want money, all they want is a 'get well' card.
A card? That's it?
So I sent her two get well cards and a letter, and if she's somewhat cheered by my gesture, so much the better.
My request is simple. If any of you casual readers would send this child a get well card, I will raise a glass in your honor and give you a tip of the old fedora. I'm thinking that the further away you live, the better she'll like it - distance being a sort of modifier to the marginal utility of the card. See?
Okay Ladies and Gents - one card from the dollar store, one stamp from wherever, and that's that. My thanks in advance.
The other day I stumbled across a message from some well-meaning good Samaritan, and decided to help out a little.
Here's the message from Ms. Samaritan:
Eva's been housebound since early January when she got a kidney transplant. Eva just turned 11, and she is in fifth grade. Doctors do not want her around anyone who might be contagious. I sent her a card and it made her day to get mail. Help bring a smile to her face. Just mail her a card to:
1912 STATE ROUTE 256
I don't know any of these people, and I don't eat at Culver's. That being the case, this poor kid is having a hard time of it. She's recovering from surgery and has been confined to quarters since January. They don't want money, all they want is a 'get well' card.
A card? That's it?
So I sent her two get well cards and a letter, and if she's somewhat cheered by my gesture, so much the better.
My request is simple. If any of you casual readers would send this child a get well card, I will raise a glass in your honor and give you a tip of the old fedora. I'm thinking that the further away you live, the better she'll like it - distance being a sort of modifier to the marginal utility of the card. See?
Okay Ladies and Gents - one card from the dollar store, one stamp from wherever, and that's that. My thanks in advance.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
When a Free Country is No Longer Free
Some well meaning soul included me on his spam list, and as a result I fat-fingered the keyboard and ended up running this video instead of deleting it. I'm kind of glad that I did.
For those of you who have never heard of her, and up until today I hadn't, Lauren Southern is a red hot blonde from Canada who is also a decent journalist. If you believe her website, she reports on the stories that commercial media refuses to cover, or that commercial media lies about.
Like Muslim violence in Australia, for instance.
Keep reading for an option on two outstanding videos and an islamophobic, misanthropic rant by yours truly. Warning: If you're a thin skinned perpetually pissed off little snow flake, better take a pass on this one - you'll be terminally offended.
For those of you who have never heard of her, and up until today I hadn't, Lauren Southern is a red hot blonde from Canada who is also a decent journalist. If you believe her website, she reports on the stories that commercial media refuses to cover, or that commercial media lies about.
Like Muslim violence in Australia, for instance.
Keep reading for an option on two outstanding videos and an islamophobic, misanthropic rant by yours truly. Warning: If you're a thin skinned perpetually pissed off little snow flake, better take a pass on this one - you'll be terminally offended.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Piracy and Governmental Protection
I got this story courtesy of my Internet buddy, Old NFO, where he announced that a Texas author was getting hosed over by pirates in Canada, the Canadian government, and the U.S. Government. You can read about it Boosting the Signal as it amuses you to do so. Continue reading my own diatribe at your own risk, knowing that if you're a snowflake and I've somehow failed to offend you, it isn't for lack of trying.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Old NFO Spam Attack
Old NFO complains that he's the target of spammers, and that it's taking him the best part of his sober life to get rid of all the spam messages.
Check it out at %&*#%)!!!, and take a look at one spam message he failed to delete. This one:
The nerve of some people!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Explained
Unless you missed the bus, everyone within earshot is aware of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, moonbat extraordinaire, and her Green New Deal. If you're bored or in need of amusement at someone else's expense, you can read about the proposed train wreck here: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Releases Green New Deal Outline.
What people with any kind of intelligence wonder is why something like this would even be proposed, as it's completely nonsensical. Well, I'll tell you.
Monday, April 1, 2019
April Fool's Day 2019
Well, it's good old April Fool's Day again. In a moment of alcohol induced inspiration, I decided to list a few April Fool's jokes that either took place on April first, or didn't but were good anyway. I also decided to list one or two that equate roughly to two redneck friends with a case of beer and a .22 pistol, who decide it would be fun to shoot cans off each others' heads.
Keep reading for a few politically incorrect and potentially disastrous jokes and stories.
Keep reading for a few politically incorrect and potentially disastrous jokes and stories.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
California Gun Law Struck Down as Unconstitutional
Ever get mail (USPS mail) that says Important!, or Time Sensitive Data Enclosed!, or maybe it's Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!, or something similar, and you fail to open it because we all know it isn't really important (to you, anyway) and is a complete waste of paper, ink, and your time?
No? Tell me your secret.
Toledo Talk: Obsequy
I've managed to make contact with the somewhat elusive JR, owner and SysOp of the now defunct message board Toledo Talk. Many people who were active on Toledo Talk are sad to see that it's down for the final count, but (as JR explained) when the party's over, it's over. He made it clear that he's not interested in selling it or seeing it resurrected. The lights are off, there aren't any cars in the driveway, and nobody's home.
I see his point. As of this writing (3/30/2019), the alternate message board for Toledo, Swamp Bubbles, is also down. Prior to the technical difficulties that closed it, the site showed no signs of being administered by anyone, and only four or five people ever posted anything. The mainstay was a retired school teacher with the initials Dale Pertcheck, who displayed a decided list to port, a reluctance to entertain facts that failed to conform to his opinions, and enough hubris for two rap stars. Needless to say, I didn't agree with him on social or political issues - or any other topics.
As for the abrupt shut down, shutting off the lights without warning precluded all the protests and tearful farewells that would have followed. That, along with offers to buy the site and keep it running, were best left consigned to electronic thombolia.
So here's a final hoist of the morning bourbon glass and a tip of the old fedora to JR - you did it right, old sport.
I see his point. As of this writing (3/30/2019), the alternate message board for Toledo, Swamp Bubbles, is also down. Prior to the technical difficulties that closed it, the site showed no signs of being administered by anyone, and only four or five people ever posted anything. The mainstay was a retired school teacher with the initials Dale Pertcheck, who displayed a decided list to port, a reluctance to entertain facts that failed to conform to his opinions, and enough hubris for two rap stars. Needless to say, I didn't agree with him on social or political issues - or any other topics.
As for the abrupt shut down, shutting off the lights without warning precluded all the protests and tearful farewells that would have followed. That, along with offers to buy the site and keep it running, were best left consigned to electronic thombolia.
So here's a final hoist of the morning bourbon glass and a tip of the old fedora to JR - you did it right, old sport.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Doctor Drill
About a week ago I was reminded by a politely enthusiastic medical technician or clerical assistant that my next appointment with Doctor Drill was in three days. Purpose: Keep Doctor Drill's woman in high heels.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
RIP Toledo Talk
I'm very sad to announce the closing of a local message board. Toledo Talk was hosted by JR, who kept the place free of retards and trolls for years. By following a few links, I discovered this final message from the SysOp:
While I'm sorry to see the old place close down, nothing last forever. My thanks to JR for keeping the lights on all those years.
Here's an official hoist of the happy hour bourbon glass and a tip of the old fedora to JR. Thanks JR!
Notice: Late in the evening on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, Toledo Talk closed its doors to new content. The site began late in the evening on January 17, 2003. 16 years. That's enough. Thanks to the many people who made this place interesting. Adios amigos.I met many interesting, intelligent, and erudite people on Toledo Talk, and while I didn't agree with all of them I can honestly say that I have a good deal of respect for everyone I met - both on line and in a few cases, in person.
- jr
While I'm sorry to see the old place close down, nothing last forever. My thanks to JR for keeping the lights on all those years.
Here's an official hoist of the happy hour bourbon glass and a tip of the old fedora to JR. Thanks JR!
The Saga of the Relaxation Station in Fostoria
Alright, alla you pre-verts, ne'er-do-wells, and bums having better things to do but aren't doing 'em right now, grab your favorite alcoholic beverage and sit back. I'm about to relate an important segment of history concerning the ubiquitous oriental massage parlor and associated regulatory law as we heathens in the 21st century have come to know and revile it.
Now then.
Now then.
Friday, March 1, 2019
RFI and Advice Needed
For my sins, I live in a condominium. This means dealing with the condo association, which should be pretty easy, you might think. Not to put too fine a point on it, but you'd be wrong. Keep reading if you want to be entertained for a few minutes, have a good laugh at someone else's expense, and maybe offer some advice. You don't even have to be sober.
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Moonbats, Primates, and Primative Cultures
I read Knuckledraggin My Life Away by Wirecutter on a fairly regular basis, and between the rants about stupidity and the gifs of naked broads, he actually puts together a good essay every so often. These aren't diamonds in the rough, either. This is stuff that's really worth reading. In between times he publishes quotes (likely without permission, although no one in their right mind would object, and the moonbats are all whiny little things of undecided sexual identification who are horrified by firearms and fisticuffs) and stories from others. This latest is one such, and is worth reading.
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Picking on Glen Filthie
Then some idiot sitting in the back of the class opened his fat yap and suggested Glen's corn bread wasn't done in the middle, and that set it off. Personally, I think it was that M. Silvius that started the whole thing.
So Glen went off Boiling With RAGE, and... go read about it if you're interested in UFOs and close encounters of the worst kind, but I'm told the outcome is that the little green men from outta space have concluded that while life on earth is intelligent, that intelligence is somewhat perverse. And so we've been interdicted.
Meantime, I have no idea what these hosers think camping is actually all about. For instance, their idea of a tent and mine bear (bare?) no similarity at all.
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Teaching History Instead of Math
I found this someplace on the web this morning. I was about to let it slide, but the longer I thought about it, the more irate I became.
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Good Samaritan Fallout
I'm not what any sane man of average intelligence would call a good Samaritan. I'm a crusty old curmudgeon, generally half in the bag. I like dogs, cats, guns, and whiskey. I don't like people, which is why I live alone. Well, one reason anyway.
So a few months back when my neighbor, Next-door Nancy, asked me for a ride to the bank and then to the grocery store, I pretty much shrugged it off and told her we'd put it on the street in five. That's how it got started.
So a few months back when my neighbor, Next-door Nancy, asked me for a ride to the bank and then to the grocery store, I pretty much shrugged it off and told her we'd put it on the street in five. That's how it got started.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Requim for a Website
A local message board that I used to enjoy reading and contributing to some years back turned into an SJW hotel with about three residents, all on moral welfare. You'll find them sitting in the lobby on broken down, lice infested furniture, watching TV and mumbling about the devil in the White House.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
I Got Your Progressivism - Right Here!
While reading a local (Toledo, Ohio) message board, Toledo Talk, I came across a somewhat provocative thread which was almost guaran-damn-teed to inspire a few demagogic comments from the multitude of literate but inerudite contributors: Racist Threats and Harassment at Toledo Workplace.
I was able to restrain myself, and confine my somewhat pithy comments to my own ambit - this blog.
The following is not safe for work and might cause a brain aneurysm in any warm, sensitive Caspar Milquetoast SJW. Your mileage may vary.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Michael A. Stackpole: The Resurection!
I've had several questions about the state of noted author Michael A. Stackpole. On January 5th, 2019, I wrote that Stackpole was on the dark side of the lawn (as in pushing up daisies, six feet under, deep-sixed, checked out, living in the box condo, etc.), having committed seppuku (harakiri). I made the remark that:
The cause of his untimely demise was self-impalement upon Constance, Stackpole's personal +5 Holy Avenger.
Meaning that he fell on his sword (publicly resigned GAMA) and so became a martyr for all to see and admire.
The +5 Holy Avenger is a reference to the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role playing game. In the game, a paladin (holy warrior) might gain a magical sword, the much coveted and oft abused plus five holy avenger. Such items are often intelligent and have their own name, hence Constance.
The point of all this is to ridicule Stackpole's resignation. More people have heard of Stackpole than have ever heard of GAMA, and the only people who could possibly give a tinker's damn about Himself's ostentatious resignation are Himself and the other members of the board, who are well rid of a grandiose gadfly.
To the best of my knowledge, Michael A. Stackpole is still with us, for good or ill. Physically, anyway. Mentally might be a different story.
Patricia Pulling has been worm's food for over 20 years, and hence has nothing to say. She said plenty when she was alive, but that was then and this is now.
However Gamergate got into this dog pile, I guess it's in. It's old news, and the reason that it's difficult to understand is because it's all about the hysterical actions and reactions of SJWs under self-induced delirium.
You can learn all about Gamergate by reading What Is Gamergate, and Why? An Explainer for Non-Geeks along with Know Your Meme - Gamergate, which gives a slightly more comprehensible explanation.
From Know Your Meme:
GamerGate refers to the online backlash against perceived breaches of journalistic integrity on video game news sites that occurred as a result of the Quinnspiracy, an online controversy surrounding indie game developer Zoe Quinn's alleged affairs with a number of men working in the video game industry, including Kotaku staff writer Nathan Grayson. The term has also since been used to describe the group of internet users, based mainly on Twitter, who claim that there is a lack of transparency within the video game journalism industry. These same people have also been criticized of practicing misogyny and sexism by many, through harassment and trolling, referring to their opposition as social justice warriors.
That's all the explanation I'm going to write today.
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Michael A. Stackpole, Dead at 61
Noted author, game designer, and sociopolitical commentator Michael A. Stackpole passed away somewhat messily on January 5th, 2019 at precisely 3:00 PM EST. The cause of his untimely demise was self-impalement upon Constance, Stackpole's personal +5 Holy Avenger. He did not go gently into that good night.
When notified of Stackpole's demise, infamous social butterfly Patricia Pulling had this to say:
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Government Shutdown - Emergency! Emergency! Emergency!
Things are worse than I thought. Much worse. According to Daniel Greenfield at Sultan Knish, the world may end in a few days if the government isn't restored to its former grandeur.
Check out Government Shuts Down, Nation Descends into Riots, Looting and Cannibalism.
From the article:
In Chuckolod County, Colorado, a transgender person was denied access to the Ladies Room. Frantic calls to the Justice Department were forwarded to an answering service in Depar, India, instead of Doneparre City, Indiana. In Brooklyn, New York, an overweight Iraqi woman was unable to obtain a sign language interpreter while waiting on line to collect her free Obamaphone. In Olegon Falls, Florida, the National Museum of Native American Yarn was forced to shut down depriving schoolchildren of an educational experience and three hours throwing bits of yarn at each other.I didn't know the government was still giving away free phones.
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Happy New Year - 2019!
It is now the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand Ten-andNine. Happy new year to all of you reading this. Having dispensed with the social amenities, I will now pour myself a little eye opener and get down to business.
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